Deck The Halls

Deck the Halls with Buddy Holly

Don’t you hate it when you’re singing along with a song, and you realize the artist got the words wrong? Often, I like the wrong version of the song better. According to the interwebs, misunderstood lyrics have their own special name: mondegreens.

In my family, misunderstood lyrics are genetic, and our kids sing the darndest things. One of our family favorites is this version of the Star Spangled Banner: “Oh, say can you see / by the daughterly light……” clearly interpreted by a daughter.

However, ‘tis the season for holiday music, and today’s blog is brought to you by misunderstood Christmas carols, a widespread phenomenon in my household.

Here are just a few of the Christmas carol mondegreens from my family:

“Dashing through the snow, on a one horse soap and sleigh.”

“And a portrait in a pair of trees”

“Later on, we’ll perspire, as we drink by the fire.”

“Olive, the other reindeer, used to laugh and call him names.”

“Round John virgin”

Due to the antiquated language of many carols, the actual lyrics of these songs don’t make any less sense than the kids’ version. To a modern child, is gliding over the snow covered hills on a giant bar of Dove soap any less absurd than “a one-horse open sleigh?” Does “round yon virgin” really mean anything? What is a yon?

Thank goodness that Cricket magazines provide songs with lyrics! Written down! Correctly! I know that the words we’re all singing are the right words. But they’re also fun, cute, and great words. I love that I can share them with others.

We hope you enjoy the holiday songs (complete with lyrics and music) below. We hope you and your family will have the chance to sing out in joy this holiday season…even if the words you sing may not be exactly as the writer intended.





Much like Kiss, Cricket Media Mom wants to rock and roll all night, and part of every day. She has recently been rocking out to that song by Imagine Dragons about the alpaca’s lips.